Home Cycling Cycling with my 10-year-old daughter fills me with guilt and makes us both a target for abuse – this isn’t how it should be

Cycling with my 10-year-old daughter fills me with guilt and makes us both a target for abuse – this isn’t how it should be

Cycling with my 10-year-old daughter fills me with guilt and makes us both a target for abuse – this isn’t how it should be

“I’m scared,” my daughter called out as we waited to turn. I could barely hear her above the noise of engines accelerating past, pinning us to the center white line and squeezing through what felt like non-existent gaps on either side.

‘Why aren’t they letting us cross? Can’t they see she’s a child? I seethed internally while maintaining a composed exterior as I calmly guided my daughter on how to be assertive in her road positioning and when to confidently cross over.

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