The following hearing of the International Court of Appeal will take place in Paris:
Case ICA-2024-15: Appeal lodged by 778 Auto Sport against Decision dated 6 December 2024 of the National Court of Appeal of the Automobile General Association Macao-China (AAMC), in the framework of the 2024 Greater Bay Area GT Cup.
On November 17, 2024, during the Greater Bay Area GT Cup, the driver of car No. 14 of 778 Auto Sport, LO Ka Chun, was found changing its tires in the paddock during the three-minute starting procedure.
The Stewards issued Decision GT4-SD-038, penalizing car No.14 of Competitor 778 Auto Sport with a 30-second penalty. The decision stated that during the start procedure, car No. 14 was not resting on its wheels at the three-minute mark, in breach of Article 31.6 of the Greater Bay Area GT Cup Sporting Regulations.
On the same day, 778 Auto Sport appealed the Stewards’ Decision to the National Court of Appeal of the Automobile General Association Macao-China.
On December 6, 2024, the National Court of Appeal rejected the appeal because the intention to appeal was not submitted within the one-hour time limit following the Stewards’ Decision.
On December 10, 2024, 778 Auto Sport decided to appeal the decision to the ICA.
09.30 hrs
Wednesday, 12 March 2025
FIA – 8 place de la Concorde – 75008 Paris (Salle du Comité, 5th floor).
The decision will be published as soon as possible after the hearing.
Requests for accreditation must be sent by email to the FIA Press Office (sgomez@fia.com) on the official letterhead paper of the publication or other medium requesting accreditation, no later than Monday 10 March 2025 at noon (French time).
The accreditation request must be signed by the Chief Editor or the Head of a Department (specify which) of the relevant publication, or medium.
The accreditation request must include the following:
i) the hearing and the date for which the accreditation is requested;
ii) name of the journalist and photocopy of their professional press card (currently valid);
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