Home US SportsNCAAF Is LSU coach Brian Kelly on the hot seat? | College Football Power Hour

Is LSU coach Brian Kelly on the hot seat? | College Football Power Hour


Yahoo Sports’ Jason Fitz, Caroline Fenton, and Adam Breneman discuss whether head coach Brian Kelly is on the hot seat after LSU’s 27-20 loss to USC. Hear the full conversation on the “College Football Power Hour” podcast – and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript

Is Brian Kelly on the Caroline hot seat now, after this loss.

So I will say this, the, uh if, if anyone’s unfamiliar with the LSU fan base, uh very, very short fuse and very, very high expectations which leads to a coach’s shelf life in Baton Rouge being about that of like an avocado, um, awfully short.

So, yes, the Twitter Brigade of LSU is coming for Brian Kelly’s job and look he’s on in the hot seat.

Ok, Brian Kelly is not getting fired because he lose to us c week one after back to back 10 win seasons, getting to the SEC championship in year one and having a Heisman trophy winner in year two.

But there is a really, really high level of frustration around LSU fans for losing this game every single year.

And look, this was a game that LSU absolutely could have won and it, it’s little mistakes and shooting yourself in the foot, whether it was, you know, the, the silly penalty that Kyron Lacy took after a great catch in the end zone, whether it was the targeting call in LSU safety Jordan Gilbert where that was essentially ended the game right there, a lot of just sloppy penalties that set LSU back behind the eight ball.

So, no, he’s not on the Carolina hot seat.

And yes, you’re going to hear that from a lot of LSU fans just out of this certain sense of frustration.

But with LSU in year three, under Brian Kelly, with everything that he’s already achieved.

Now, the expectation is college football playoff.

Now that the field has expanded, that’s exactly where LSU fans expect to be, is in that conversation.

And frankly, I know it’s week one but falling oh and one.

I don’t see a path to LSU getting into the college football playoff with the Gauntlet that they have ahead of them.

The silver lining though is the way that Garrett Syer looked.

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