Home Cycling Will consuming more fish oil make you a better cyclist?

Will consuming more fish oil make you a better cyclist?

Will consuming more fish oil make you a better cyclist?

Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) essential for human health, obtained from oily fish and certain plant sources. It supports anti-inflammatory functions, prevents blood clots and helps widen blood vessels. Studies in the 1970s of Greenland Eskimos, who recorded low rates of coronary heart disease, asthma and type-1 diabetes found that the Eskimos’ superpower lay in the PUFA-packed oily fish they ate. Omega oils have since become a highly regarded food supplement, but what can they do for your cycling?

Lynsey James is practical lead in anatomy, nutrition and physiology at Loughborough University. She has worked in applied sports science, academia and research, and holds a PhD in omega-3 and sports performance.

Mayur Ranchordas headshot

Mayur Ranchordas is professor of applied human nutrition for sport and exercise at Sheffield Hallam University. He researches how nutrition and supplements enhance performance and recovery in athletes.

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