You Know You’re a Swimmer When…12 Quirks That Come With the Sport
By Rachel Helm
To most people, swimming is seen as just a sport or having a little splash in the pool. However, to a competitive swimmer, it becomes a lifestyle. Here are 12 quirks of competitive swimming that we all can relate to.
1) Chlorine becomes your natural scent.
Wherever you go, a strong scent of chlorine follows. Whenever a friend says they can smell chlorine, you instantly feel like you need to apologize. No matter how much body wash you use to mask your natural scent of the pool, one simple lick or beam of sweat brings the smell right back.
To combat this odor, check out our online store for soap, moisturizers, and shampoo and conditioner.
2) Permanent adoption of the messy bun hair style.
You can forget all about straighteners and curlers: It’s all about your damp hair being shoved on top of your head being held together by the same hair tie that has lived on your wrist for the past year. You know you rock the swimmer bun when you go to afternoon practice and your hair is still damp from morning training. It is usually an uncontrollable mess.
3) Having an awful song stuck on repeat in your head for the entire practice.
Swimming up and down for two hours with the same song stuck in your head is a one way ticket to insanity. You don’t even know the whole song; its’ usually just the chorus stuck on repeat, and you can’t seem to get past that no matter how hard you try.
4) “Are we leaving this top?”
The most confusing part of beginning the main set is knowing when to go. Hesitantly waiting at the wall to see if anyone else is about to leave on the top approaching, but then hoping it’s actually the next top.
5) The dreaded fear of leading the lane during a threshold set.
“You go first!” “No you go first!” is the most common argument just before starting a threshold set. Sometimes you have to take one for the team and just go. Now you have to swim out of your comfort zone to avoid another swimmer riding your wave, and try your hardest not to die in the process.
6) Can’t forget about losing count when you’re leading the lane.
As you’re focusing on keeping a distance between you and the swimmer behind you, there’s a sudden realization that you’ve been distracted and now have no idea what length you’re on. Whenever you’re swimming 500s, lengths 10 to 15 all blend together. Now you’re awkwardly watching the swimmer next to you to work out if they’re going to turn or stop at the wall.
7) The bottomless pit we call our stomach.
You can eat an insane amount of food. Carbs, meat, candy: you name it and it’s gone. The suggested serving size feeds four, but after a hard practice, it serves you and you only.
8) Napping, anywhere, anytime.
Thanks to multi-day swim meets, you have the new-found ability to nap almost anywhere at anytime. Falling asleep on a bus becomes as easy as falling asleep in your bed. Twenty-minute power naps after morning practice before your 8 a.m. become a game changer as you master that new skill of the power naps.
9) Sitting at a swim meet for hours to swim a race that lasts less than a minute.
You sit around a hot pool for hours on end to swim a race that – if you’re a sprinter – will last less than a minute. Sometimes you even have to do a second warm up, since you’ve sat around for so long since your original warm up.
10) Explaining to a non-swimmer that you didn’t win every meet.
Explaining to a non-swimmer that you didn’t win the event but you did win your heat is always a fascinating situation. You then have to reply, “No I’m not faster than Michael Phelps,” or “I’m not sure if I will go to the Olympics,” because that’s the most common thing non-swimmers ask you.
11) Fogged up goggle rage is real.
The day you get new goggles and can finally throw your old pair in the trash is like Christmas. Although difficult to part with your old fogged up pair, they did cause you some rage. Swimming less than half a length before your vision becomes blurry due to the fog is never a fun time. Nothing is more frustrating than having to stop every chance you get to wipe them clear with your fingers before pushing off, despite knowing they will only fog again.
12) “What did you say? I have water stuck in my ear.”
This is one of the most commonly used phrases of a swimmer, spoken when someone tries to talk to you yet all you have is water sloshing about in your ear. Violently shaking your head or wriggling your finger in your ear provides the only solution. Little is more satisfying than the water finally dripping out of your ear, and your hearing is restored to normal.
The list can go on and on. What would you add to the list?
-All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.